
Welcome to our site!

Welcome to our website! Stay with us in our beautiful surroundings near Lake ‘Mjøsa’. Here you can take a vacation from your everyday life and relax. We provide ‘Villa Fleur’, a rented house where you can relax your shoulders and connect with nature.

We attempt to keep the radiation as low as possible to promote even more relaxation. So, there is no wifi on the plot, and you may enjoy a digital detox. However, there is a fiber cable available for radiation-free internet access if necessary. This can be hooked into a computer or telephone.

The garden is founded on ecological principles. And throughout the season, it is possible to purchase veggies from the garden. Simply ask what we have to.


Check out our more detailed rental cabin on Airbnb.

You can also book directly with us. We prefer e-mail or Whatsapp during working hours due to our occupations.

Link to Aibnb


I offer offer classes on Living Food-Anti-inflammatory Food.

Wellness and Vitality retreat | Minimum group of three persons | On request

Bli med på en spennende reise til masse energi, matglede mild detox og avslapping Fredag til og med søndag. Mulighet til å være på plassen til mandag og ta litt ekstra ro og fred for kroppen. Kostnader per person:kr. 3000 til kurset + kr. 1000 til overnatting det blir kr. 4000 totalt.(ett middag og to …


Annebeth & Martijn

Grevskapet 43
2335 Stange

